
Al.Con.Press. s.r.l. is a foundry from the Vicenza area that has been specializing since 1984 in the die casting of aluminum and zinc alloys with the horizontal cold chamber method.


This is where the main AlconAir components are born: through the die casting process of aluminium alloys they work to obtain the mechanical parts which constitute the heart of the air compressors. The staff consists of technicians who work in synergy with the production workers to ensure the high standards that define AlconAir. Very complex fusions are realized with very moderate thickness thanks to the advanced technology and precise die casting geometries.


The molding department consists of modern horizontal cold chamber presses ranging from 400 t to 1150 t, that are equipped with melting furnaces using natural gas.


The finishing department is equipped with a complete range of jet-flushing gear and systems, such as: abrasive blasting machines, tumble finishing, flash trimming presses and belt sanding.


Among the range of services offered by Al.Con.Press. are: design and construction of molds, complete finishing of jet castings, precision machining manufacturing, testing and quality control, with certification of the finished product.


  • A new 40 tons blanking press machine was installed which allows us to operate with bigger and more complex molds.  ...

  • We are pleased to announce the installation of a new 1150 tons press machine: in our policy of constant development and renewing maximum attention to new technologies has been given not only to increa...

  • Installation of a new robot to connect the press 1150t: in order to continuous improvement, between technological investments effect it was decided for a last generation system, in line with the inte...